Dental Bonding Rockville, MD

Tooth Bonding: An Overview

Tooth bonding corrects minor cosmetic dental concerns. A highly malleable and customizable material, we can shape, size, and color-match the material to blend seamlessly with the natural smile for beautiful results. Tooth bonding is a semi-permanent alternative for patients not ready to commit to the cost or permanence of dental veneers.

Dr. Ali Sarkarzadeh uses bonding to improve the aesthetics of a patient’s smile. Highly trained and experienced in cosmetic dental services, he offers natural results for a confident smile. Tooth bonding can treat a range of cosmetic dental concerns.

  • Chipped Teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Close gaps in teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Misshapen teeth

The Benefits of Tooth Bonding

There are many benefits to choosing dental bonding to address your cosmetic concerns. The procedure is easy, painless, and will restore your smile. With routine oral hygiene and regular dental appointments, your tooth bonding can last up to 10 years. The most notable benefits of dental bonding include:

  • Enhanced aesthetics: Even tough bonding is a quick and painless procedure, it can improve the appearance of your teeth. As a versatile cosmetic dentistry treatment, it can address many cosmetic flaws on your teeth to create natural-looking results.
  • Non-invasive procedure: Teeth bonding is a non-invasive dental treatment that requires very little tooth preparation. In most cases, we will not even need to administer a local anesthetic. Your dentist will need to slightly roughen up the tooth’s surface so that the bonding agent can adhere to the tooth better.
  • Quick and efficient: The process to complete dental bonding if fast and easy. Your dentist can complete is just one dental appointment. This will benefit you because it saves you time and hardly disrupts your everyday life.
  • Affordable option: Dental bonding is very affordable compared to other cosmetic procedures like porcelain veneers. This makes it more accessible to patients who want to enhance the appearance of their smile.
  • Versatility: Your dentist can use dental bonding to treat a wide range of dental concerns and completely transform your smile.

low-cost tooth bonding in Rockville Maryland

Tooth Bonding in Rockville, MD

The tooth bonding procedure is minimally invasive, and we complete it in just one visit to our Rockville, MD dentist office. Bonding requires no post-treatment downtime, and patients will be instructed to care for their bonded teeth properly.

The first step in the bonding process is to prepare the tooth or teeth being treated. Your Congressional dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel from each tooth. Then we place the highly malleable material directly on the tooth and mold it into the desired shape and size by hand. Dr. Sarkarzadeh will sculpt the color-matched material to the form you want to blend with your adjacent teeth.

When we reach the desired appearance, we cure the bonding using a special light for a solid cosmetic restoration and beautiful results. Once the composite has cured, your dentist will trim, shape, and polish it to match the sheen of the rest of the tooth surface.

The Downside to Dental Bonding

While tooth bonding is versatile, it is not meant address severe tooth damage or cosmetic concerns. Dr. Sarkarzadeh may recommend a permanent treatment option if your tooth has more significant issues.

We offer dental veneers and dental crowns to reinforce a tooth and restore function. We can color-match porcelain veneers and dental crowns to blend in with your natural smile. These options will cost more and may involve more visits to our Rockville, MD dentist office to complete. Patients can also choose to replace their bonding with dental veneers later on.

Tooth Bonding FAQs

Tooth bonding is a cheap and versatile cosmetic dentistry option that we offer patients with minor cosmetic concerns. In our frequently asked questions section, we address the most popular questions people ask about the treatment. Our goal is to provide insightful information so patients can make an informed decision about their dental health.

How long does teeth bonding last?

If cared for properly, your bonded teeth can last for up to 10 years. This includes daily brushing and flossing and professional teeth cleanings twice a year. Excellent routine dental care will ensure the longevity of your treatment. You may need touch-ups if your dentist finds damage to the bonding material.

Can you whiten tooth bonding?

No. While natural teeth that have darkened over time can be whitened, bonded teeth cannot. Composite resin can absorb stains from foods and beverages just like natural teeth. For this reason, we recommend avoiding red wine, coffee, tea, and smoking. If you plan on whitening your teeth, you should do so before the bonding procedure.

Do you put me to sleep for teeth bonding?

No. Unless you are filling a cavity, the vast majority of patients will not even need local anesthesia. Patients with more severe tooth damage, or who require more same-day procedures may need local anesthesia.

Is dental bonding an appropriate treatment for a child?

Tooth bonding is actually a great treatment for children with minor tooth damage. The process is simple and we can complete it in a single day. The dentist will need to prepare their tooth, however this process is noninvasive. As your child ages and grows, they will need to have the bonding material replaced or you can opt for a more permanent solution.

Can teeth bonding fix crooked teeth?

If you have slightly crooked teeth, we can use dental bonding to correct the appearance of your teeth. Your dentist would add the composite resin material to the tooth to reshape it. However, this is not an alternative to modern orthodontics. If your teeth are severely crooked, you will need braces or Invisalign to straighten your teeth.

Before treatment, you will meet with your dentist to see if tooth bonding is an appropriate treatment for your level of misalignment. Bonding is a cost-effective and minimally invasive treatment for minor alignment issues.

Can dental bonding close gaps between teeth?

Dental bonding is an effective way to close a small gap between teeth. Using a tooth-colored resin, Your dentist will add tooth-colored resin to each side of the teeth to reduce or eliminate spaces. The procedure is quick, easy, and does not require the removal of tooth enamel. However, for larger gaps, you will require orthodontic treatment or porcelain veneers as a more suitable solution. To see if bonding is the best option to treat your tooth gap, schedule a consultation with your Congressional Dental Care dentist for a complete tooth analysis.

Schedule a Consultation for Teeth Bonding in Rockville, MD

Book a consultation today with Dr. Ali Sarkarzadeh to learn more about teeth bonding in Rockville, MD. You can reach our dentist office by calling (301) 276-4694 or request an appointment online by filling out the form.